Why Have a Newly Constructed Home in NY Inspected?
Why have a newly constructed home in NY inspected? One good reason to have a newly constructed home inspected for defects: New York law provides every purchaser of certain newly constructed homes with...
View ArticleWill I Lose My House or Car If I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Will I lose my home or car if I file for chapter 7 bankruptcy? Usually not. In most cases you will not lose your home or car during your bankruptcy case as long as you can exempt the equity, if any...
View Article“No Fault” Divorce: Not As Easy At It May Sound
No fault divorce in New York ? With a bill pending that would allow New Yorkers to obtain a divorce under “No Fault” grounds, our office has been receiving some questions. I hope that this can clear...
View ArticleNews: Divorce and Attorney’s Fees
Along with the no-fault divorce bill, Governor Paterson also signed bill A7569-A/S4532-A which creates a presumption that a less monied spouse in a divorce case is entitled to payment of attorneys’...
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